Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am embarrassed by how long it's been since I provided an update on this blog. I started it with the absolute best of intentions and unfortunately, life gets in the way of blogging sometimes.

We did receive some donations in April and I want to send an enormous THANK YOU to those who made a donation. All of the April donors have actually asked to remain anonymous and to NOT be put into the raffle drawing for May 1 so that others could have a chance to win the prize. So... that leaves us with no "eligible" entries for April and thus, no May 1 winner.

So.... for the drawing on June 1, the winner will have their choice between 2 prizes, the one that was supposed to be for April 1 (since the winner that month asked for something else, which I gladly made and sent to her) and the one that was supposed to be for May 1 (since there were no "eligible" entries during the month of April. The two prizes are (click to view):


Here is some more detail on how to enter the next raffle drawing.

Now for the good part, the Ana update!

Ana is currently spending a month visiting her extended family in Guatemala. She's been there for about 2 weeks and will be away for another 2 weeks. I have not spoken to her since she's been away, but I did get to visit with her a few times right before she left. She's doing pretty well, she'd been going to the gym and working out every day. She was still in pain, which is so awful 13 months after the initial accident. However, she was walking better and starting to get her confidence back and had even practiced driving a few times (slowly, in parking lots!).

I miss her a lot and I'm looking forward to her coming back home, but I hope she's having a great time with her brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews that she hasn't seen in many years. I'm sure that "family time" will do her a world of good overall.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. They make the biggest difference!

With thanks and appreciation,

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