Economic times are hard for everyone and there are so many worthy causes out there. In order to provide a bit of incentive for you to become an Angel for Ana, this site will offer a monthly raffle prize. For every $5 (US dollars) you donate, you will receive one entry into the monthly drawing. If you donate $5, you will receive one entry. For $50, you will receive 10 entries. Odds of winning are dependent on the number of entries received in a given month.
Entries will be considered for the month in which the donation is received. For example, donations received from February 1 – February 28 will be eligible for the drawing on March 1st. Donations received from March 1 – March 31 will be eligible for the drawing on April 1st.
Please note that it may take a few days for PayPal to process your donation, so donations made at the end of the month may not be received until the beginning of the next month. You will be eligible for the raffle during the month your donation was received into the Angels For Ana PayPal account, even if it was sent in the previous month.
I will email the winner(s) within three days of the drawing to obtain shipping information for mailing your prize. Shipping costs will be at my expense and I can ship anywhere in the world. I cannot guarantee delivery times since I don’t work for the postal service, but I do promise to mail the prize within one week of receiving your mailing address. If the winner does not respond to my email by the first of the following month, they will forfeit the prize. (I’ll send reminder emails during the month, in case you miss the first one.) In the event of no response, I will draw another name and award the prize to the new person.
See also “Donation Details.”